- Legal obligations of aircraft engineers and maintenance providers - Part 1 (March 2012)
This article summarises the statutory obligations of aircraft engineers in New Zealand, and a 2008 proseuction of a licensed aircraft maintenance engineer and the owner of a maintenance facility, for manslaughter and serious injury caused by negligent maintenance work on a helicopter
- Legal obligations of aircraft engineers and maintenance providers - Part 2 (May 2012)
This article summarises the statutory obligations of aircraft engineers in Australia, and discusses two recent Australian court decisions - one involving limitations imposed by CASA on the privileges of an aircraft engineer's AMEL, and the other involving a successful civil suit for damages for negligent maintenance work on a helicopter
Health and Safety in the Workplace
- Health and Safety Law obligations in the NZ aviation inustry (November 2012)
This article provides an overview of health and safety law obligations on employers in New Zealand, and the outcome of a HSE prosecution against Safe Air for the death of an aircraft engineer at a maintenance facility